Major Rant

I’m at the point where I need to say this.  I’ve held back for quite a long time because I’m nice and don’t like to offend anyone, however sometimes a little anger can be the spark that leads to massive change.

If you’re not happy with your life, albeit your health, your body, your happiness, your marriage, your job, etc and you’re not actively working to improve it, stop complaining.  Take responsibility for the fact that your life is up to YOU.

Where do I feel I got the nerve to make such a bold statement? 14 years ago I was diagnosed with MS.  I had a little pity party for myself, then picked myself up and carried on.  I listened to my doctors and did what I was told, but continued to decline in quality of life.  One day I realized I need to take my power back.  I didn’t blame my doctors for their ignorance in actually helping me.  I didn’t blame god/the universe/or whatever you call it.  I didn’t sit there and say “well, I guess it just is what it is.”  I also didn’t accept that MS was WHO is am.  Yes, it’s a part of me, but it does not define me.

I’m at the point today where I needed to share this because I’ve spent the last 2 years working to share my story and help others and faced so many situations where people struggle to see that they have the power to at least work towards improving their situation.  Yes, I sell a supplement that has been so incredibly life-changing for me that I think everyone could benefit from at least trying it, yet that’s not at ALL what this post is about!  I don’t know if anyone is solely responsible for giving themselves MS, yet even if I am, it was doing the best I could with the tools I had at the time.  Whether or not your situation is the result of actions you have taken, I’m not placing any blame on anyone, however I can pretty much guarantee blaming anyone or anything else for your situation is just crap.  Shit happens, but it’s how we deal with it and move forward that matters!  What small steps could you take TODAY to help improve your situation?  Who do you know who’s been where you are and gotten where you want to be?  Start there.  Find out HOW they’ve done it and get moving.