Day 365….

So, when I initially started my carnivore trial I had absolutely no idea if still be eating this way a year later! I will say, it’s crossed my mind several times over the year that I really no want to write more of my experience, then I reflect on what new I have to share and realize it may be pretty boring! I LOVE blogging about food and now that I really only have about 5 regular foods that I eat, with now sauces, or bright colours, there’s not really much you can do to make beautiful food photos! So… yes I still eat meat. Yes I still feel fantastic!

Some changes I have noticed that are worth sharing would be:

  1. I definitely have better digestion
  2. My skin is consistently clear
  3. Inflammation is way less than it used to be
  4. I actually tolerate heat and cold better than I used to… that one is a really BIG deal for someone who’s lived with an autoimmune disease for years!

So hears the thing – at the end of the day, the best diet for YOU is the one that makes you happy and feel your best!  If you can stick to eating real food, especially if you aren’t currently, your health and life will improve, potentially in a really big way!  I talk about the carnivore diet passionately because for a good portion of my life I felt like crap and didn’t really know if I’d ever feel good and like myself again.  Drinking ketones were the start for me, my brain turned back on after years and years of feeling trapped.  The keto diet helped as well with some other symptoms I had been carrying around, but it’s the combination of ketones and the carnivore diet that have been a total game changer for me.  That being said, as I near the end of earning my holistic nutritionist designation, I have quite a strong understanding that finding out what works best for each individual body is the trick to overall optimal health and well-being.  Start with real food.  If you still find there are symptoms, then it’s time to try eliminating some trigger foods to see if you feel better.

I need to say this – often I hear “yeah, I get bloated after I eat, but that’s just me.” or “yeah, I get itchy a couple times a month, but that’s just my allergies.”  Etc, etc, etc… NO!!  We are not meant to have regular symptoms!  Just cause you’ve had them for weeks, months or years does not mean that’s just the way things are!!  If the smoke alarm went off a couple of times a month would you just turn it off and ignore it?  NO!  Symptoms are warning signs that something is not right in your body!  If this is YOU, please reach out or find a nutritionist/naturopath in your area.  

Check this out if you’d like more info or like to book a time to chat – More Info

The carnivore diet is the ultimate elimination diet in that it eliminates EVERYTHING, then gives you the option to start reintroducing foods one at a time to see what works and what doesn’t.  Maybe one day I too will bring things back, maybe not.  I feel better than I could remember going into this.  This is going to sound crazy, but I honestly feel lucky for my MS diagnosis in my 20’s because it directed me on a path to the healthiest life possible!  Hopefully you’ll pay attention to the gentle nudges your body is giving you and don’t have to wait for a giant kick in the butt to start doing your research and making some changes.

Are you ready for better?

What would your life be like if you woke up every day energized, focused and feeling comfortable and happy in your body?

Have you ever felt like you’ve lost confidence, you don’t feel sexy anymore, you feel judged and don’t really want to go out with your friends? Have you felt embarrassed shopping for clothes or worried you’re not setting a good example for your kids?

Well, I know I have and it sucked!  All I really wanted was to fit into my clothes again, and to see the weight drop off. What I really needed was to have less fuzzy brain, to stop craving sugar and treats all the time and have energy again!

Think for a moment what that could feel like in your life!  You wake up with more energy, and a clearer mind, now you crush it at work and can’t wait to get active again. You lose the weight, now you can rock the bikini at the beach.

Ok, how could that happen?  If you’re like me, I had tried pretty much everything!  I tried the complicated diet programs.  The 14-part cleanse, squishing my food into the time containers, the laundry list of pills and potions… it was frustrating AND exhausting!  I also tried working out, then working out more (and MORE) when that didn’t work.  I just ended up feeling like a failure.

UNTIL… a friend who I totally trusted and respected tried Ketones.  I was the biggest skeptic.  I wasn’t ready to waste more of my money and feel like a failure yet again!  I also had other health challenges, so I was even more resistant than most!  If any of this resonates, I totally get it!  Maybe I’ve been in your shoes, and if that’s the case, what if I could help?  I know how crappy this feels, and thankfully NOW I also know how much BETTER life can be!

If YOU have had enough, are tired of the frustration, and are ready to make a change, click the link below to book a call!  We can see if we could be a good fit to work together and if Ketones may be a good solution for you too!

***My ONE ask… if you’re not ready to commit to yourself and improving your health and your life, take a look, drop your contact so I can send you more info, but please wait until you’re ready to book a call!  I’m here to help as your tour guide to improve your life, but I can’t do it for you 😉  I am only one person and I try to keep my time available for those who are READY to ACT!

I’m READY to take action!

Low-carb/Keto Cooking

Fantastic night! When starting a new diet, exercise plan, or any lifestyle change really, don’t over-complicate things friends!  Cookbooks and Pinterest are fantastic and have some wonderful recipes, but they can also be incredibly over-whelming, complicated, and BIG $$ to go out and purchase all of the random ingredients that you likely don’t already have in your kitchen!

Tonight we focused on quick, simple and easy.  My ❤ and maintained a Keto life for more than 2 years, and although there was definitely some trial and error, we found a routine surrounding food that didn’t involve hours and hours in the kitchen and was economical to maintain!  Below are the recipes we made last night.  Below are the recipes we enjoyed last night:

Keto Chicken Fajita Bowl

Keto Cheesecake Fat Bombs

Tips for avoiding diet-change overwhelm:

  • BEFORE you start, take a really good look at what your food routine looks like today.  When do you food prep? DO you food prep? How much time do you spend making breakfast, lunch and dinner? Do you mostly eat on the run? Whatever your routine is right NOW will impact your success.  If you currently grab takeout for dinner most weeknights, or microwave something pre-made, switching to a plan that involves 2 hours of cooking time each night is not going to be realistic or sustainable my friend!
  • If the initial grocery shop scares you, chunk it out so it’s not so scary.  Honestly, if you have avocado oil (for higher temp cooking – stir fries, grilling, roasting), olive oil (for salad dressing), coconut oil (fat bombs!), apple cider/balsamic vinegar, grass fed butter, and you grab fresh veggies and meat/eggs each week, you’re pretty much set up to make loads of meals!
  • Keep. It. Simple. and always make double!  I bbq a LOT and if I’m making chicken or steak or salmon on the bbq, with a basket of veggies (heaven!) for the two of us, I ALWAYS make 4 pieces of meat!  1 each for dinner, and 1 to take for lunch the next day with a salad.

Hope this helps!  Any questions, I’d love to help!  Email me any time

The low-carb life has totally changed my life when it comes to healthy and happy living with 3 autoimmune diseases, and I’ve worked with so many others who report the same! Have a wonderful day my friend!

Meet Judy

Many have a misconception that exogenous Ketones are JUST for athletes or people looking to lose weight!  I want you to meet Judy.  Her story is one that you may be able to relate to 🙂

I have been dedicated my whole life to being active and living a healthy lifestyle. I don’t know how it happened but I just celebrated my 64th birthday!
I am still active and try to eat well. In the last years I’ve noticed my body is changing and not for the better. I was starting to feel my age. It was becoming harder to stay fit and feel healthy. I was getting arthritis especially in my right wrist. I had a painful lump of inflammation on it. It prevented me from doing some actions and activities.
For about 3 months I have been on a product called Ketones. I’m happy to say the inflammation in my body has improved especially in my wrist. Some might find this odd but I am excited I can do burpees and push-ups again! (Yeah). I enjoy doing more yoga moves. I feel I am stronger. My mind is clearer and most nights I sleep like a baby. Though I didn’t need to lose weight I have lost belly fat and have gained muscle tone.
I have more energy. Recently on a trip to Florida I was able to run around the island the first day without feeling exhausted or overheated. It used to take me several days to build up to that.  Long story short, I’m grateful I found this wonderful drink!  I’m not getting any younger according to the calendar, but I love how great I feel since I started drinking this stuff and I’m excited to continue being healthy and active for many years to come!

Want to know MORE about how this product might be able to help YOU?  Reach out!  Happy to answer your questions and share information!

Your Vote Matters

💥 Fight club 🥊

What’s your favourite flavour??  Dark Cherry 🍒 or Pink Grapefruit??  What IS this stuff? Check this video if you want to know MORE about Ketones and Ketosis:


UNLEASHED is the ultimate version of all the products we offer! It’s the same great industry-leading ketone formula, but each package contains 30% MORE Ketones than the regular Keto NAT. When do I drink UNLEASHED over NAT? Any day that I’m looking for ultimate performance.  It might be a long and challenging workout, or a test at school, or a long day of work, or a time where I really need my brain to be ON. Ketones are not just about fat loss! They are better energy, better focus, better sleep, better mood, and better performance in ALL aspects of life! Keto NAT and UNLEASHED are game changers for hundreds of thousands of people! Have you tried them yet??

Help cast your vote for you favourite by placing an order 👇

💥💥💥Also…. UNLEASHED in 15%!!


Low-carb/Keto Cooking


This past Wednesday was the first Low-carb/Keto Cooking Workshop in Burlington, ON and wow!  What a great night!!  Such awesome feedback came from this event that there will definitely be more 🙂 I’m sharing this with you because we made some great recipes that you might love as well!

Sesame Chicken

Keto Fried “Rice”

Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies



MAX Blowout SALE!!!

In 2 years, I’ve NEVER seen a sale like this!! If you’ve tried ketones, you understand.  If you haven’t, there is NO BETTER TIME to try them!  Until midnight tonight ALL max products are BUY 1, GET 1 FREE!!! My friend, that’s 40 days worth of this incredible tool for the price of 20!!  That’s a $135 savings for my Canadian/Australian friends, and $130 for my US friends!

Your life can change in 40 days!  I talk to everyone about this stuff because I’m so grateful that a friend talked to ME about them nearly 2 years ago.  Fat loss is what 90% of the population seem to be after, but once you try this stuff you’ll quickly understand that it’s so much more than that.  Better energy, mental clarity and sleep were HUGE for me!! They also came with a better mood.  I’m not bitchy or grumpy anymore and I no longer battle depression.  I could ramble on forever because this product has changed my life and so many people I know.  I promise you, I would NOT stand behind anything I didn’t truly believe in, and I stand behind this 110%!

What the heck is this crazy girl talking about?  Check out this video – Ketones Explained

If you’re read to take the wheel and make a small change that could improve your LIFE in so many ways, order your KETO MAX deals HERE – KETONES SALE!!

If you’re still the skeptic, I hear you.  I was too! I had tried SO MANY things and been disappointed in myself too many times when I got my hopes up only to feel like a failure… UNTIL NOW!  Get off the fence.  It’s not a lifelong commitment, it’s 40 days 😉 and the easiest change you could make.  There’s nothing to lose, and oh so much to gain!